LFO and Function Generator Modes

All 8 channels can operate in a continuous looping LFO mode, or can configured as independent Function Generators via the Channel configuration menu. The channel can be triggered from any of the available input sources (including expander sources if connected) or any of the other internal channels.

Once a channel is configured as a Function Generator, the waveform will only be generated when a trigger occurs. Nearly all behavior of the channel will remain the same, other than some small differences listed below:

  • The duration of the waveform can still be manipulated using the Frequency parameter, but if the Frequency is Desynchronized, the unit is presented in seconds (or milliseconds).
  • When a trigger event occurs, the function generated will begin at the PHASE parameter, for example, if a Sin waveform is used, by adjusting the phase to 90 degrees, as Cosine waveform is achieved.
  • The visual appearance of the oscilloscope varies, previous renderings are cleared on the trigger event.
An A-D envelope with Attack modulation