Primary Parameters

The primary parameters are listed below, these are the building blocks for manipulating the waveshape. Each of the primary parameters can be modulated in various ways with respect to the output of other internal channels, as well as CV inputs.


Adjust the waveform of the given channel. The available waveforms are listed in the table below:

Waveform Description Morph To/Fn. Image
Sin Sine Exponential
Tan Tangent Linear
Tri Triangle Sawtooth
Squ Square Duty cycle
Rand Random Slew
Env Envelope Attack Skew Decay
Step Stair Step Number of Steps
In Inputs Mix CV inputs
Out Outputs Mix other outputs + =


Adjusts the Frequency of the given channel. Frequency can either be Synchronized (relative to the BPM) or Desynchronized. When synchronized the maximum and minimum frequencies are BPM * 128 and BPM / 128 respectively and when desynchronized they are 128Hz and 1mHz. When operating in Trigger Mode and Desynchronized the unit changes to seconds.

The frequency is disabled in certain circumstances:

  • When the Input or Output waveform is selected
💡 LONG HOLD FREQ - to switch between Synchronized or Desychronized modes


Adjusts the Amplitude of a given channel. The full-scale of the output equals an amplitude of 100%. When in Bipolar or Polar modes an amplitude of 100% represents a -5.0V to +5.0V and 0.0V to +5.0V voltage range respectively. When the Quantizer is active the representation changes from percentage to octaves, in this case Bipolar and Polar modes represents a 0 to 10 and 0 to 5 octave range respectively.

From version 0.5.0 the Amplitude ranges from -100% to +100%. When the amplitude is negative the output is inverted. This feature also is applied to the modulation, but can be configured:

  • Inversion Modulation
    • POS: Positive modulation only - modulation output will range from 0% to 100%. No inversion is applied.
    • INV: Inversion modulation - allows the modulation output to range from -100% to 100%, in which inversion can be applied.


Adjusts the Offset of a given channel. At a value of 0 there is no offset being applied, e.g. the waveform is generated within the middle of the amplitude range. At a value of +50 the waveform is generated at the top of the amplitude range, and a value of -50 the waveform is generated at the bottom of the amplitude range.


The Morph parameter varies depending on the waveform and adjusts the shape of the waveform accordingly. See the above waveform table for details about how the morph effects each waveform shape.


The Mix parameter is available when using the In or Out waveforms and is accessible via the Morph parameter button. Mix allows mixing between the different waveforms available - mixing between adjacent sources. The horizontal bar indicates the amount of mixing between the currently selected source, and the neighboring source.

For example when using the In waveform, and you have CV2 selected, when the horizontal bar is toward the left, then you are mixing toward CV1, when the horizontal bar is toward the right then you are mixing toward CV3, when no horizontal bar is present then no mixing is taking place.

Attack, Skew and Decay

The Attack, Skew and Decay parameters are available when using the Env waveform and are accessible by using via the Morph parameter button. These parameters control the envelope characteristics.

💡 LONG HOLD MOR - to switch between components of the Envelope waveform - Attack, Skew and Decay.


The Phase parameter allows periodic waveforms to be phase locked to varying degrees, or not locked at all. When the phase is locked any adjustment to frequency will cause the phase to be recalculated (this can cause visual discontinuities in the waveform which is normal).

The phase is disabled in certain circumstances:

  • When Frequency modulation is active
  • When the Input or Output waveform is selected