
Modulation allows a setting or function to be adjusted in real-time by any of the other output channels or by any of the available input sources.

The following can be modulated:

  • Frequency
  • Amplitude
  • Offset
  • Phase
  • Morph (including Attack, Skew, Decay and Mix)
  • Waveform
  • Quantization

Modulation can be configured via the Parameter Screen.


Setting Function
Source Sets the modulation source, this can be any of the internal or external channels
Type Linear or Exponential
Index Wet/dry mix. A value of 100 has maximum effect, a value of 0 has no effect. A value of -100 will invert the CV (useful for 0-5V input signals)
Selector SEL - Select discrete values for modulating. This is only available for Waveform modulation, and for Morph modulation when the Waveform is set to either Input or Output.


  • Horizontal axis is the normalized modulation source amount
  • Vertical axis the the normalized modulated result
  • The origin point, (0,0) is the current value of whatever setting is being modulated. For example, if Amplitude is being modulated, and the amplitude value chosen is 30%, then the origin point describes a value of 30%. When the CV source for modulation is 0.0V, then the result will be 30%, when the CV source is greater than 0.0V or below 0.0V, then the Amplitude will increase or decrease above or below 30% as described by the curve.
NOTE: Additional clamping curves apply to Frequency modulation in the sub 1Hz range.